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Press Release

Regions Financial Corp (NYSE: RF__PB)

Jul 17, 2024 – PREFERRED STOCK ANNOUNCEMENT: Regions Financial Corp (NYSE: RF__PB) today declared a preferred stock dividend of $0.3984 per share.

For Immediate Release

Boston, MA., Jul 18, 2024 – Regions Financial Corp (NYSE: RF__PB) today declared a preferred stock dividend of $0.3984 per share payable on September 16, 2024 to shareholders of record as of September 03, 2024.

Regions Financial Corp (NYSE: RF__PB) has paid dividends since 2014 and has a current dividend yield of 6.36892%.

Regions Financial Corp’s current dividend information as per the date of this press release is:
Dividend Declaration Date: Jul-17-2024
Dividend Ex Date: Sep-03-2024
Dividend Record Date: Sep-03-2024
Dividend Payment Date: Sep-16-2024
Dividend Amount: $0.398438 is a leading worldwide independent provider of dividend information and data for investment professionals. Our mission is to be the First In Dividend Data Worldwide® by designing and developing essential tools and systems for the investment community with the highest level of accuracy and integrity.


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